St. Davids
 Youth Club
 The crew
 The choir
 A brief history
 Youth Club

Do you go to the Youth Club? If you�re 10 or over you can. It is on at St. Davids every Monday at 7:30 pm till 9:00 pm.You can take part in the crazy games Alan (top left) thinks up, play games like Snooker, Table-tennis, Badminton, Billiards and such other


activities, talk and make new friends, or just be yourself. Most of the members go to other organisations as well so if you are thinking of joining the scouts you may meet someone from the youth club (top right). Your garunteed a laugh even if you miss the joke (bottom right).

Not forgetting our yearly trip. In 2001 it was go-karting, and in 2002 it will be a trip to Bala in Wales. Don�t miss the youth club or you�ll miss watching four comedy films put together in real life, without a cinema in site.

[St. Davids] [Youth Club] [The crew] [The choir] [A brief history] [Pictures] [Downloads] [Organisations]